“Joyously Allow More Money to Flow Into Your Business and Life Without Stress and Worry as You Grow Your Legacy Empire!”

A 28 Day Game with Kelly Jo Murphy of Legacy Empires…

Begins Monday January 8th (Registration closes Friday, January 5th)

Grab Your Seat to Have More and More Money Flowing in Your Business and Life!

Sign Up Now for Only $147

What You’ll Get in the “Show Me the Money!” 28 Day Game…

This 28 day game is designed to show you exactly what to do to allow money honey to come to you easily and in joy every day! This is the EXACT process I use to consistently happy dance with money flow as I build my Legacy Empire~~.

Here’s what you’ll get…

  • A Deep Connection and Relationship With Money So It LOVES You and Wants to Be in Your Life More

What is your relationship with money like? Is it joyful and loving? It is trusting? Or is it worrisome and fearful?

With the exercises I share with you, money will be so excited to come into your life more, your relationship will become one of PEACEful knowing! And gratitude at the beauty of how it keeps showing up! Happy DANCE time!

  • A Playful, Joyful and Peacefilled Sense That All is Well and the Abundant Universe Will Always Provide

Always worrying about where and when money will come in, stops the flow of the abundance the Universe WANTS you to have! I will show you how to open yourself to the abundant being that YOU are, which allows the room for the money to come in.

  • A Community of Like Minded Souls All Seeking, Learning and Growing Into the Highest Place of Themselves to Serve From

The group energy of like minds all raising their consciousness and opening up more and more will help you to open up more and more. As we each hold and celebrate each other, we all have more and more show up in our lives and businesses.

  • Games, Exercises and Tools You Can Take with You Into Your Business and Life to Easily Manifest More and More Money

This is where we bring it all together and create the fun ways to get the money flowing right away! The power of these exercises will blow you away~

  • Your Dynamic and Meaningful Purpose Will Begin to Shine as you DANCE your Way to the Bank

Not only will money begin to flow, but it will all happen in alignment with your purpose for your life and business! Happy DANCING your way to the bank!



And Most Importantly, You Will Walk Away Having More Money Flow Than You Even Thought Possible!

It’s Your Time to Allow More Money In, to Shine Your Light Out Bright and Grow Your Legacy Empire!

Sign Up Now for Only $147

I created this game as I began to understand the secrets of easily manifesting money in my life. I once worried about where and when the money would come in. Now, I use the tools I am going to share with you and MORE money comes in in surprising ways than I ever thought possible!

For instance, as I want or need a specific amount for something, it comes within days of using these tools! It’s surprising and fun! I can’t wait to share this all with you!

Kelly Jo Murphy

Remember my Show Me the Money Goal when I first joined the group?

It is now a reality! I am in Costa del Sol, Spain, introducing my brand new program on Intuitive Leadership. This is a remarkable milestone for me, and huge benefits for those who receive it. Soon my Tour D´Spain will become la Tour Du Monde.

I´m sharing this with the group so that you always keep the faith in what you believe and big shout out to Kelly Jo Murphy for creating this group, and amazing program which serves as a catalyst to manifesting wealth and prosperity not to mention, a place for cultivating relationships with like-minded souls.

Much love to all!

Ali Rodriguez

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